Monday, January 26, 2009

Our crazy life!

Our life has seemed so crazy lately. I feel like I am always on the move doing something. I am all ready so overwhelmed with school. I had my first test in High Acuity (ICU) today. Let's just say the majority of the class walked out trying to hold back the tears. It was awful!!! I am just sooo lucky I had a good score. What a relief, but I seriously don't know how much I can take. SLCC is the number one nursing school in Utah for a huge reason. It seems so unbearable. Also with the craziness...Spencer and I went to the Urologist today. Spencer's stone is actually in his right lower ureter (Spencer misunderstood what the physician had told him days before). The stone is a half of an inch (pretty darn big for a stone). It has started to develop scar tissue around it and is inflammed. The Urologist recommends surgery because he thinks the stone has been there awhile (maybe since last summer?) and it is only causing trouble and not passing. His ureter is inflammed and his kidney and ureter are retaining fluid...not good. Hence, our crazy life!!! Anway, that's the update for the family. Sorry I never have photos. We are so busy and always on the move without a camera!


Halfords said...

Poor Spencer. I hope they can get him taken care of and get rid of those darn things

a farmers wife and her real life said...

I'm glad you got a decent score on your test! Poor Spencer though. I hope everything turns out okay!

Hodges Family said...

Jess good luck with everything I hope school flys by the last semester and hope the best for spencer!