Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my hub's birthday and I am so excited to spend the day with him (I surprised him by getting work off :) Spencer is AMAZING in so many ways and I am very lucky to have him not only in my life, but by my side through everything! I thought I would tell you AT LEAST 29 reasons why I love my BIRTHDAY BOY!!

1: He has the kindest heart! He is always willing to do anything for anyone and I mean anything! He is always the first one on the road to pull over when he sees someone with car trouble or he is always helping family out with house work. Last summer he cleaned my mom's garage spotless and when my mom came home, she just cried with gratitude!

2: He is a perfectionist! He will not quit a job until it is absolutely perfect. He worked on a Dr's home a few years back and when we moved, we got a letter in the mail from him asking if this was the right Spencer and if it was, he would love to have him come back to work on his house. This couple definitely tracked Spencer down and we are glad they did :)

3: He is a great cook! He wakes up every morning and makes my shakes and prepares my lunch, but not only that, Spencer makes the best dinners I have ever had! Seriously, he is hard to beat and he knows it, so trying is difficult!

4: He love his dogs! Yeah, some guys do, but not like Spencer! I will be honest and so will he...he was skeptical at first when he came home off his mission and I had a dog (not just any dog, my cute Chade!) and Spencer did not like dogs in the house, but when he saw that I still kept a pretty mean, clean house with them, he fell in love and it has only grew stronger! I was driving into our neighborhood one day as him and Sash were driving out and it seriously was the cutest thing I have ever seen! They are true buddies and I love hearing about their hunting stories!!  I definitely look forward to them sharing that with our little boys!!

5: He loves learning! He is always telling me ways we can save more money and he has done a fabulous job in that area!! We recently just paid off major things like his truck! He also loves school and is doing so well. He amazes me because he can do anything he sets his mind to!

6: He challenges me! I know what you're probably thinking...but I love it! When we workout, it is all out war, lol! I have HIIT or Insanity workouts and it is like the last one standing wins, haha! Wins what? I don't know, but it sure is fun! We also make goals and push each other! It's amazing what we can accomplish when we are cheering each other on or challenging the other, lol!

7: He takes me out every week and boy is this time much needed! We usually go out to eat at his restaurant or mine and then come home and watch tv or a movie, but I love this time! It is my favorite time of the week!!

8: He is our protector. If anyone of us aren't feeling well even in the middle of the night, he jumps right up to help. He does not take time getting out of bed, I mean he is up! It works better than his alarm clock! He also does not like to see me hurting...he is a good, good husband!

9: He does amazing yard work and he enjoys doing it! I have been so blessed to not have a guy that I have to ask or beg to do things. My mom always let's me know I am very lucky cuz there just aren't a lot of guys that are go go go and Spencer is!

10: I thought I would talk about housework here! Spencer has helped me out so much with the house! He knows it makes me so happy to have it clean and he's learned that it makes me smile to see him vacuum! Weird I know, but we aren't talking about me :) Like I said before, he is a perfectionist! I've been told (by people who CANNOT diagnose, haha) that I have a touch of OCD. Well, so does Spencer because where I lack, he picks up. We are definitely the perfect pair!

11: He is so great with kids! I love seeing my nieces and nephews run up to him when we are at my sisters' and if he's not with me, they sure ask why not!! He plays with them and they love that! They love when he throws them on the love sac or build snowmen with them. He is a fun uncle and the boys especially love tackling him!

12: He makes me laugh! We also teach primary in church and he makes the kids laugh all the time. I love it!!

13: He is a great primary teacher, not only does he make the kids laugh, but the spirit is so strong when he teaches the little ones and I love hearing his testimony!

14: He builds the prettiest things! I have such a beautiful headboard for our bed that he built and I love it! Everyone who has seen it loves it; Infact, our caseworker complimented it during our adoption home study and was very impressed when I said Spencer built it!

15: He is very friendly! We can go anywhere and he can make a friend or talk to someone for awhile!

16: He loves his tv shows and he usually only watches them while preparing dinner or right before bed. Right now we are hooked on the show Blue Bloods! Highly recommend it! It is amazing and we cannot get enough! We have been up late several nights because we just want to watch one more!!

17: He loves family! He loves to be around them and doing something fun together and something fun can mean a lot of things to him! He can go hang out at my family's house for hours on end and sometimes he knows more than I do of what is going on!! He definitely love them!

18: He supports me whether I'm in nursing school or going through a big audit, he is there! While preparing for my hospital audit, I was overwhelmed and there just wasn't enough of me to go around! During Spencer's spring break, he typed and formatted over 100 policies for me and had forms reformatted for me! I could not have done it without him!! It was crunch time and he finished them for me the day before the auditors showed up...perfect timing!! He is the best and I cannot thank him enough!!

19: He loves his sports! Right now it is his Jazz games and I love hearing him happy when it is an exciting game and his team is doing well! He also loves playing them! He enjoys playing basketball with our ward!

20: He is a tease! One time I pronounced Omnipotent wrong and he will not let me live it down! Two can play this game and let's just say, we do!!

21: He surprises me at work and will bring lunch, edible arrangement bouquet, smoothie, etc! I think I'm catching on though! He will just have the receptionist tell me to come up front and there may have been times where I'm busy and need a reason to come up front, but I'm always glad when I see my hubs standing there!!

22: He's a fast runner! It does not matter how long I've been working out or what I've been doing, he can kick my butt any day and he does. I love when he told me I look fast, but in slow motion! I love when he takes Sash for a run and they are off!! It makes me smile!!

23: He makes holidays so much fun!! We have come up with our own little traditions that I cannot wait to do with our little ones...our dogs enjoy it, haha!! Funny story, Kyndal, our youngest shih tzu, received some treats and toys for Easter and the next thing we knew she had gotten them all out and put them on the bed and was having a hay day!! Yeah, we love our little ones!! It was so cute!!

24: He loves his tools and he has them arranged so neatly in the garage. When it comes time to buy him something, it usually has something to do with a tool and I think I made the mistake of asking him if I could get something more exciting, haha! To him, that is exciting...he doesn't find shirts for me exciting at least I think?!

25: He starts my car every morning before work...seriously, I am spoiled! He also fills it up with gas. He would rather he go and fill it up at the gas station than I do it! He seriously is a great guy!!

26: He is fun! He is always up for doing something and is never a downer. Those people are hard to be around. If I wanted to go to a movie with friends he would be right there willing to go! Most guys wouldn't be caught dead dancing to Just Dance 3 and some girls have to talk their guy into it, not Spencer...he challenges me and sometimes gets a better score :)

27: He cares for other people's property. If he borrows things, he returns it in better condition. When we take care of someone's animal, he gives it back in better condition. We just had my uncle's dog because we bred Sash! The guys in the fam were thinking it was time for some more hunting buddies!! We gave the male a haircut and Spencer spent time on the dog's kennel cleaning it and washing the bedding. He genuinely cares!!

28: He loves me! He writes me random notes in my lunch or on the fridge. One night I got called in to work graves and when I came home in the morning, there was a one page letter from Spencer telling me how much he loves me and appreciates my hard work and next to it was my breakfast! He is a sweetheart!!

29: He loves the Gospel! I have seen his testimony shine through our recent trial! We have had personal conversations about the premortal life and accepting our trials here on this earth. I know Spencer did because he is strong, caring, and absolutely amazing! I have looked at people going through trials and thought to myself, wow, that is a strong person, but my thoughts of Spencer exceed that!! I am very lucky to know him on such a personal level! He is my everything and I know we are in the right place and right where we matter the weather, we stick together!!

Happy Birthday, Spencer!! I love you!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A great post

I went on my friend's blog yesterday and her post was so great and it brought me to tears! You can read "It Hurt for a Reason" at She and her husband were blessed with a beautiful daughter, Emme, through adoption. She has been great to turn to through this trial. She is an amazing friend!