Friday, January 16, 2009

Rough week

This week has been rough for us. My cough and cold got worse so I finally went to the Dr. last night. It has been so miserable to be so sick during my first week of school. I hate the first days because it is so overwhelming when you hear about all the stuff you have to do especially this last semester. I hope I survive. Spencer has been in pain from what we think are kidney stones. He goes into the Dr. this next week. I know, I know, he gets them all the time! We definitely need to find out why. One good thing is that I put an ad up saying we are expecting Shorkie puppies. I've had so many calls, e-mails, and texts about them. I can't believe how popular they are! I have way more people interested than Paysley will have pups. That's a good thing cuz I am definitely picking where the pups go! Anyway, I just thought I would update the blog since I'm not totally medicated at this moment :)


Halfords said...

I'm sorry you're still sick! That's the worst. And Spencer too. I didn't know he was feeling sick again. I hope they can figure out the problem.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read you are sick. Hope you get better soon! Does Spencer drink a lot of milk? If so it could be some of the problem. (I'm sure you knew that.) Anyway, hope you both feel better soon!

Hodges Family said...

I am sorry you to are sick yuck! I have had kidney stones and tell spencer I am so sorry it is seriously worse than having a baby because at least they can knock you out when you give birth!

Holly and Derek said...

I hope you are feeling better Jess!

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than being sick when you HAVE to go to school. Just think, a couple more months and you are free with an amazing experience and degree under your belt. Seriously what an accomplishment. Good luck through this final sprint!