Thursday, January 8, 2009

Last week of freedom!!!

I can't believe this is my last week of freedom! On Monday I start my LAST semester of nursing school! I have mixed feelings about it. I am excited it's finally here so I can get it over with, but also dreading it because it is one of the hardest things I have been through. I never thought it would be tough, but it is-just ask Dr's who have also attended nursing school! Well my last week hasn't been too fun. I still have a cough. I just can't seem to get rid of it! I hate getting the cough cuz it has always taken me forever to get rid of it! Spencer has talked me out of working out a couple days this week because it's quite obvious that working out just makes it worse! Spencer has done so great at his New Year's Resolutions! As I am typing, he is working out to one of my HARD workouts and boy is he doing awesome!

We finally got Paysley back on Wednesday after being gone since Saturday! I am such a baby! I hated every minute she was gone! When she came home, she was so excited to see us and be home! We are pretty sure she is pregnant! She had successful ties with the male! I am excited for this litter of pups. It'll be fun to see what they look like! Chade is still my loyal little boy and he's glad that Paysley is back. If anyone is interested in a pup, just let me know! I already have three of them spoken for! So fun!

I thought this was funny and ohhh so true!
You know you are a nursing student when:
20) Your apartment looks like it vomited laundry, dishes, textbooks, labs, and old pieces of care plans.
19) You've read more Potter and Perry than Harry Potter.
18) You've practically stopped blogging, unless it is to talk about how nursing school is stressing you out.
17) You're contemplating hooking yourself up to an IV drip of caffeine. Best part you know how to start that IV too.
16) you carry spare careplans in your car, just in case. Jumper cables.. check, tire gauge... check, blanket... check, careplan, double check!
15) Your hands are so dry from "proper" hand-washing and alcohol-based rubs that they are beginning to crack. This means you can cut glass with your knuckles and cause a snow storm by rubbing the backs of your hands together.
14) while getting a GYNO exam you ask the doctor mid- bimanual palpation if you can feel your ovaries too.
13) you start an IV on a friend during a study break
12) you take bets on where N, V, and D will be ordered in the list of side effects for every drug your patient is on, even when their purpose is to treat those very symptoms!
11) you know what greafy leens are and you eat them frequently
10) the phrase "I intended" makes you cringe to your very core
9) care plans are the bane of your existance
8) a night out consists of getting together with other nursing students to eat dinner as a study break while you flash notecards over appetizers
7) you have the desire to create Barbies and Kens with the disease of the day
6) You forget how to spell "normal" words
5) while playing Pictionary you draw a picture and a friend calls out "dumping syndrome" and genuinely means it as a legitimate guess
4) it all comes down to poo and you discuss it openly
3) everything in nursing is "KEY"
2) you eat dinner while watching Mosby DVD's and think nothing of it


Hodges Family said...

Good luck!

Emily Peterson said...

dxrer4dsssdxcsThat is so exciting you are almost done. Hey, I need your address, would you mind e-mailing it to me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jess and way to go!

Brandi & Cole said...

Wow all of that is so true! I love having a job where there are NO CAREPLANS!!!! I'm glad you happened upon my blog! Your babies are cute. Good luck with the semester!