Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kidney stone...again!

History lesson:
When Spencer was just 3 years old, he got kidney stones.
When Spencer got off his mission, he got kidney stones.
June 2008, Spencer gets kidney stones off and on all summer!
January 2009, I make Spencer see a Dr!

Spencer saw a family physician this last Monday. It was kind of a shot in the dark because at that time he wasn't having symptoms of kidney stones like he had the week before. The physician ordered Spencer to have a ct scan. The ct scan showed that Spencer has a kidney stone in his right kidney blocking the outward flow of urine to the ureter. Spencer's labs were within normal limits which mean his left kidney is compensating for his right kidney. This next Monday he sees a Urologist. I am hoping we can figure out why he gets them. FYI he doesn't consume a lot of calcium and drinks tons of water! Spencer is such a trooper though! He has passed kidney stones without a grimace!


Jamie Ortega said...

That is soooo sad to hear! I cant imagine my almost three year old having kidney stones! I hope you get it all figured out and he wont have to go through this again!

Halfords said...

Dang! I hope the urologist can figure it out for him. What a bummer deal.

Kimberly said...

That stinks he has them again! Hopefully the urologist can get things figured out!