Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An update...

I thought I would write a new post since the last couple ones have been downers~Spencer's finger is healing accordingly, but still is painful for him. It has been fun spending quality time with my husband! My sister Jen talked us into watching the first season of Prison Break. Lets just say, it is so addicting! We have been up since 3am the last two nights and finished it. It is a good show. Now we will have to borrow the other seasons from my dad. This is my last week of summer school and then only two more semesters to go til I am an RN. I cannot wait! So needless to say, Spencer and I still have two more weeks of spending time together before he goes to work and I start school. Timing was perfect. I love him so much and although he is in pain, I am loving being with him every second :) Paysley's pups are due next week. We are excited and can't wait til they come. She is so big! It makes me sad to watch her cuz she can no longer jump on anything or walk very far. Cross your fingers that everything goes well with that :) Since our camera got stolen, I have not been able to post pictures, but we both got our phones upgraded so hopefully the pics off our phones will work. In a couple weeks we are going to Idaho for the Cassia Fair! I am so excited! There's no place like home! Let us know if you will be up for the fair so we could hang out! Sorry for the random post. My brain is quite scattered!

1 comment:

Halfords said...

I'm jealous of the time you guys are spending together. Live that up! I'm glad Spencer is feeling better.