Saturday, July 5, 2008

Uneventful 4th

This 4th of July made me quite homesick! There is nothing like the 4th anywhere else, but good ol' Idaho. In fact, we almost drove up there on a whim, but somehow talked ourselves out of it. I have been suffering from pains that seem to only be getting worse. So all day, Spencer and I just hung out; Spencer finally convinced me to take some "strong" pain killers. We then went up to Primary Children's Hospital to watch fireworks on their top level of parking. We saw about 12 different firework shows, nothing compared to Idaho's! It's just not the same when you aren't close to the action. Plus, I don't really remember it. I hate pain killers. They make me feel so weird ( I think Spencer enjoys that). Anyway, we hope everyone had a happy & safe 4th!

Happy birthday to my nephew Gage! He turns 4 today! Also, happy birthday to our nieces, Emma (6) and Nicole (2). Their bday was on the 3rd!


Hodges Family said...

I was also sad not to be in Rupert on the 4th we stopped there on the way to utah for a bite to eat on the square and brody couldn't get me to leave and by yesterday I was just mad I wasn't there I hope you feel better do you know what is causing the pain!

Kimberly said...

12 different fireworks shows, I bet that was awesome!! Too bad you're still feeling sick! Have you figured out what's going on?? Hope you feel better soon!