Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And the hits just keep on coming!

What a day! I am so worn out, but yet I cannot fall asleep. Today started out great. I got a lot of things done. Then around 5:30 pm I got a call from Spencer saying he was on his was to the Emergency Room because he had cut his finger. He was working in Centerville and a guy he works for took him to the hospital in Bountiful. I didn't have a car since Spencer had mine. My sister, Jen was nice and took me there. When I saw Spencer, it was worse than I thought. I thought he would need a few stitches and then he would be good to go. Boy, was I wrong. He sliced his finger pretty much off, had to be taken into the operating room to repair his bone because it was shattered. My dad & Raelynne came and sat with me while we waited. Then my dad gave him a blessing. Spencer was finally released from the hospital at 1 am. As I went to get the car, it was raining and blowing so hard that I could barely breathe and by the time I got to my car I was drenched. Then I had to drive home in a bad storm (I hate lightning) and I couldn't even see the road as I was driving. It was scary and I just wanted to break down and cry. Ya know how you have moments when you wish you were 5 again? Well that was me just a lil bit ago. But, we finally got off the freeway, got his prescriptions and now at about 2 am we are home. What a crazy night. For anyone who is interested, Tuesdays are now a horrible day for us. Last Tues our car got stolen, this Tues Spencer gets hurt and will be out of work for 3 weeks! Oh my! P.S. The pics were too gruesome to post, sorry!


Kimberly said...

Oh No!! That's awful! I'm sorry to hear that Spencer got hurt, but glad to hear he's doing okay! Hang in there!

a farmers wife and her real life said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope he heals well and things get better for you guys!

Halfords said...

I'm so sorry! This is so hard. I hope he gets feeling better!

Lindsay said...

How awful. Poor Spenc. Why do all these rotten things keep happening. I think you guys need a vacation to relax from all the stress. Stupid Tuesday's!

Hodges Family said...

Jess I am so sorry I am coming to Utah on tuesday if you guys need anything let me know. I am so sorry when it rains it poors we went through that a few months ago and my mother in law gave me a sign that says life is full of storms learn to dance in the rain! I that is was Cute let me know if I can help!

Bailey Family said...

Jessica! I havent been able to get on blogging much since this little baby came into our lives. He keeps us going:) But I am sorry to hear about your car and all the other things that you and your husband are dealing with. Goodess! It is amazing the trials we face and your right they are there to make us stonger. Hang in there and I hope that things only go up from here!

Lacey said...

I'm sorry. I remember a time when Gregg and I just got hit after hit. It was hard, but it made us stronger as a couple. let's hope yours doesn't last as long as ours did. Let me know if you need anything! Even if it's to go the pigs...hehe. Love ya!

Brooke said...

How awful! I hope that he is healing well and not feeling so much pain. What a bummer. And your car too? I have been a blog slacker, sorry to have missed all of the updates. I'm glad they found your car, but that stinks that those rotten thieves stole everything else. Stay home tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your streak of bad luck. Andrew's truck was stolen a couple of years ago and he said the exact thing about feeling violated. It just never felt the same even after it was returned. I hope things are getting better and Spencer feels better. Enjoy your quality time and the rest of summer. Have fun at the fait and tell your mom hi. Thinking of you...