Saturday, July 19, 2008

What a blessing

Tonight we got a call from the Midvale police saying they found our car. It was such a relief, but as we pulled up, I saw Spencer's poor heart break as we noticed they had taken pretty much everything like: expensive tools, Ipod, camera, the cd player, a key to my car, etc.... It is such an awful feeling to feel violated. We know something worse could have happened to us, and we are very grateful that we still have each other. We went to the temple the other night to do sealings and it was such an awesome feeling to hear the covenants again that we made with each other. I know that we will have trials, but it is through our faith that we'll get through them. I am very thankful for a wonderful husband who holds the priesthood and who is such a strength to me. He is such an example to me and it breaks my heart to see him suffer when he would do anything for anyone. We want to thank all who left comments, called, or text us about this situation. It is times like this when you find out who your true friends are. We love you all and cherish the relationships we have. We hope this is a lesson to all. At any moment, something like this could happen. As an idea to all, we bought a club to stick on our other car's steering wheel (so it won't be able to turn) since they do have a key to my car. We also are looking into buying a tracking device for our cars. Thanks again, we appreciate it.


Halfords said...

I am so happy that they found the car!! I hope the gas station across the street can see the people in their surveillance cameras. They shouldn't get away with that! we'll continue to keep you in our prayers. We love you guys

Kimberly said...

I'm glad they found your car! It's too bad they took everything -- but you guys have a really great attitude about everything! Hang in there, hopefully they'll figure out who did this!

Lindsay said...

Ya I'm so happy. Even though it's a bummer everything was gone I'm glad you found the car. I hope that they catch those guys who took it and lock 'em up and throw away the key. Way to stay positive. You're way better than I. I would still be really ticked off about the whole situation.

a farmers wife and her real life said...

I'm glad they found it! Ditto from the last two comments...I would be so ticked off still. You guys are great!

Kimberly said...

I hope that you have a happy Tuesday this week!!