Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a day!

Today was a fun Saturday. Earlier this week I promised my nieces that they could come swimming at our apartment on Saturday. So right after I woke up this morning, I got a call from Elle asking if they could come swimming. Lil kids never forget anything. So Spencer and I went to pick Elle and Abby up. Elle's friend Emily wanted to come, so we took her as well. It was so much fun swimming! Spencer and I took turns swimming laps. Boy, is that a workout! Lets just say my skin hasn't seen sun (or tanning bed) for over two years. Yeah, I am bright red! Cross your fingers that it turns into a tan. (ok, so you have found out I am not good at taking pictures. Spencer has this really nice camera & at the time I couldn't find the zoom button. So anyways, that's Spencer and Elle in the corner of the swimming pool. Needless to say, I did get a lecture on how to use the camera when Spencer saw the picture. Oh well! )
Then tonight we had the bridal shower I have been planning for my cousin, Cara. Us girls had a lot of fun! Poor Spencer was at home bored out of his mind. We themed the shower The couples first......... I had their first night! Cara was a lil embarrassed (& excited). It will come in handy!
Well that was our day!


Hodges Family said...

Yes we do need to get together I might be in utah a week before my sister in law gets married so maybe then unless you are in the boise or rupert areas anytime soon

Brooke said...

I hope the shower was fun--we had SUCH a crazy day...a shower for my cousin's bride, graduation party...etc, etc, etc. Needless to say, I couldn't make it down. I can't come to the wedding either because I don't have a sitter for Britton. Hopefully we'll be able to make it to the reception at least. Send Cara our love if you chat with her soon.