Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long Day...

Today has been such a long day! I had today off from school...great huh, wrong! I spent all day on this darn computer typing up notes for my psychiatric nursing class. For some reason our Instructors decided not to give us any notes this semester...seriously I think that is the worst idea ever! Now we spend hours and hours making notes instead of getting good studying time in! School is kicking my butt for this reason - and probably many others! Paysley is back to her origninal self which means actually acknowledging Chade and looonnngg walks! All day she sat at my feet and growled the funniest sounds to try and get my attention! She finally got impatient and decided to jump on my lap! Nevermind there is absolutely no room for her between my books, binder, and computer! Oh yeah, the other day one of her pups came over to see her. They both recognized each other right away! Paysley turned him over to clean him and he tried to get milk out of her...silly boy! We have quite a few people who want us to breed her next year so they can get a puppy. I guess they are quite the hit! My husband has been driving me crazy lateley - literally! He has been in such a good mood and tackles me every chance he can. I will stand up from studying and he'll seriously plow me into the love sac! I guess if there's something we must know it's BOYS WILL BE BOYS!!! Well I need to go workout so I can have some kind of physical activity today!...And that's my day!

1 comment:

Holly and Derek said...

Sounds crazy Jess!! Good luck with all of your work!!