Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pics + Update

Puppy #1: Buster (boy)
Puppy #2: Frodo (boy)

Puppy #3: Scout (boy)

Puppy # 4: Bella (girl)

Puppy # 5: Oliver (boy)

This week has gone pretty good. All five of the pups are doing so well. Paysley is doing great at taking care of them. Paysley prefers them to sleep under our bed (she picked them up one by one and put them there). We are trying to get her to keep her pups in the kennel, but that is definitely a work in progress.
Spencer went back to work today. I miss him, but I know it's a good thing. Yesterday he went to the Dr. and got the pin pulled from his finger (The pin was in there to straighten the bone). Now he has a hole on the tip of his finger. It still hurts him. It is still swollen and he can't bend it. I sure hope work goes well for him.
As for me, I start nursing up again next week. This week I have been getting ready to go back; buying books, getting the last of my shots (yea), renewing parking permit, getting lab kit, etc. etc. etc.
As of right now, the pups look great so we are planning to go up to Idaho this weekend. I am sooooo excited. It's funny how that 'lil town does that to people, me especially :)!!!


Halfords said...

So cute! I can't wait to see them in person!

Jamie Ortega said...

Your puppies are so cute!! They must be so much fun! I cant wait for the day when we stop moving and can get a dog. We will also be in Idaho this weekend so everyone can see the new baby before we head home to Iowa. I never thought I would be excited to go home and hang out at the fair!

Anonymous said...

Such precious little ones! Have fun with them! I wish I could join you guys at the fair... have fun back home!

Hodges Family said...

Puppies are so fun I am Jealous you get to go to the fair we were there last weekend so we don't get to go!

Brooke said... cute!