Paysley (top) with her Dingo bone! My sweet? Chade (below)
For those of you who don't know, Chade is my dog and is very loyal to me. Infact, Spencer treats him like a step child and Chade treats him like a step father. I got Chade in 2003 while Spencer was on his mission, so Chade came first in his mind. I love Chade so much. I could not ask for a better dog. He is so darn loyal to me. When Spencer is home alone with the dogs, Chade will not go to the bathroom or eat for him. He just sits in his bed until I get home. One day I was at clinical from 5am to 4pm and poor Chade did not move an inch the whole time I was gone. How sad is that? Anyway, Chade has quite the personality. A few years ago we were up in Idaho for the 4th of July. I had taken Chade on a leash to the parade. Well Spencer's friend, Skye wanted to lead Chade around. Chade hated the whole idea because he only loves his mom. He kept trying to get away from Skye. Well I saw that my little Chade was not enjoying it, so I took him back. As soon as I did, Chade walked right up to Skye's leg and drenched his foot if you know what I mean. That was the first time Spencer and I had seen that little attitude so of course we disciplined him but it made us laugh so hard. That's what Chade thinks of Skye. I'm on Chade's side on this because Skye kept pulling him to the point of choking him. Anyway, a few months ago, I was out taking Chade and Paysley on a walk and we have this annoying lady in our apartments that always tries to follow us around. Well Chade took off down a different path and the lady yelled at Chade to follow her. Well once again, Chade went up to her leg and did the same thing! Talk about embarrassing. Just to let ya know Chade is pretty small so he didn't get anything on her, but still, how embarrassing? He did it behind her, so she had no idea, but I am glad he didn't get anything on her. How do you control this? Well today after church we took Chade and Paysley for a walk once again. Chade saw my visiting teacher holding a bag and lifted his leg. Spencer yelled his name so Chade quickly stopped. Thank goodness! How embarrassing. I am very thankful he didn't pee on her. We have quite the dilemma on our hands, wouldn't ya say! I am surprised he hasn't peed on Spencer for how much he dislikes him! Can't they just get along haha!
As for Paysley, she is our cuddler! She loves to cuddle! Spencer and I bought her together about a year and a half ago. She is a sweetie, except to Chade sometimes. They truly are brother and sister. They fight over bones like crazy. I will give them each a bone and when the other one leaves it for a second, the other one is there to take it away and then the game begins! This happens daily. I have been so lucky to have my dogs both potty trained (in the house, not on people haha). During the day, Paysley loves to have me take her potty, but during the night she will sit on Spencer's chest and just stare at him until he will wake up and take her potty. Boy, did I train her right! I love it and I know Spencer does too! It makes him feel special. Well that's enough for our dogs right now! We will keep ya updated on the whole Chade incident.