Friday, July 24, 2009

First day of yard work!

We don't believe in having our lights on...don't ya know it cost money? Atleast that's what I was ALWAYS told growing up, haha!

Here is my man telling me how much he loves me... or telling me to go inside while he does this part of the yard.

Coming in to get a plastic bag and he said I could come back outside :)

Spencer had today off of work due to Pioneer Day! How did we celebrate? We did yard work! It was quite fun (for me, the photographer :) Our backyard is full of weeds. Someday we will plant grass and definitely put in a fence for the dogs. The 3 walks a day can be brutal in the heat (Yes, my dogs are extremely spoiled)! The yard looks a lot bigger without the weeds. We are excited for our future backyard! Oh and there is one picture taken from my kitchen, so you can see some of our decor! I'm not completely finished with decorating. I just need a few little things and then pics will be posted. I know, the anticipation is killing me too, lol!


Hodges Family said...

ok so I forgot you went private and it doesn't show updates anymore. so I was excited to see your new house how fun! Its fun to feel like you can actually live after being in apartments so long!

Kimberly said...

Yardwork -- ugh!! It will be so nice once it's all said and done! I'm excited to see the inside!! The anticipation IS killing me!!