Monday, March 23, 2009

Thoughts from a nursing student with graduation in sight...

Any college student can tell you the importance of Spring Break! Spring Break for me was last week. As I studied for 2 (yes, I said 2!) tests during my break, I had a little time to reflect on my experience during this tough program. It has been an experience I will never forget! I have grown so much, not only as an individual, but also as a wife (Yes, Spencer will vouch for this). When I first began almost over a year and a half ago, I struggled. I was not ready for what was in store for me and my journey through nursing school. There were students leaps and bounds ahead of me, but with motivation, I surpassed even my own expectations! Anyone who has put there life on hold (per se) to better themselves through education knows exactly where I am coming from. It is an amzing feeling that as you can tell I can't fully express! I only have 7 more weeks until graduation and am excited as ever to complete this program. It has been hard, but I would never trade this experience for anything in this world! Thanks Spencer for being so supportive! Also, thanks to my family! I seriously have the WORLD's best parents who not only encourage me, but inspire me! They themselves are great examples of what success is!

P.S. For all my old basketball's our song that got us through! (turn up the volume)...If anybody asks you who I am, just stand up tall look 'em in the face and say I'm the star up in the sky, I'm the mountain peak up high...hey I made it, I'm the world's greatest..I'm that little bit of hope when my back's against the ropes! (7 years later, that song still motivates me...and even in a whole different aspect!)
NOW, all I can say is I am ready(and ALMOST able) to help save lives, so graduation here we come!


Holly and Derek said...

7 weeks is not that far away! Yay...almost there!

Jamie Ortega said...

Congratulations! I can compleatly relate to all your feelings of hard work and accomplishment. Reuben graduates in 8 weeks and three years of hard work is coming to a wonderful and yet a bit sad ending.

Halfords said...

Congrats Jess! You deserve it!!

Hodges Family said...

Your almost there and I bet you will be the worlds best nurse!

The Woolstenhulme Family said...

Hey I LOVE that song! I am excited for you to be done with school. You are going to be a great nurse! CONGRATS!

Kimberly said...

That's so awesome Jess, Congrats! You're so close, keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

Spence and Jess we love looking at all your pictures especially the puppies they are so cute. Jess congratulations on your accomplishments. We are so proud of you. Spence I am so proud of you for being so supportive of Jess. You both keep doing that and you will always be happy. Love ya tons!!! Aunt Bev