Monday, September 8, 2008

Tests, work, and pups!

Today was my first test of the semester. Our instructors had told us that they made the tests harder (which I didn't think they could get any worse) and we would probably fail the first one. I was relieved when I walked out of the testing center with a great grade. It is always nice to have the first test out of the way. Only 17 tests to go and then I will be in fourth semester, oh boy! Spencer is enjoying his job. He is one of the top dogs at his company and gets along great with his boss and fellow employees. He has a good time. The pups have been so easy to have around. The crate Spencer made for them is wonderful and it is so easy to keep them clean, but then again I have O.C.D. and love to keep things clean. We have started taking the pups outside and they are going potty out there so that is awesome! We only have the pups for three more weeks and then they are off to their new homes. I will be sad to see them go and I know Spencer will be too. People thought we were crazy to breed Paysley, but it has been a great experience and we have enjoyed taking care of the pups. It hasn't been bad at all. They don't whine at all and are really easy to keep clean.


Anonymous said...

I bet those puppies are so cute. We have been toying with getting a dog for a while but just can't quite get there. Someday... I absolutely love reading your blog and staying up to date on your goings on. You are so good at it and entertaining. Good luck in school this semester. You are going to be an amazing nurse.

Halfords said...

I'm glad you did well on your test. I bet thats a huge stress reliever

Hodges Family said...

I am so glad that I don't have to take tests anymore. Yuck! The puppies are cute!