Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fruit pizza!

This post is for my friend, Krystal! She gave me this recipe and it's awesome! Thank you! I have been trying to cook a lot more and have actually enjoyed it (I know, shocking!). I have found awesome recipes and everything I have made, Spencer and I have really liked! I'm afraid for Spencer's sake that the cooking might be slowing down since school has started atleast until I get in the groove of things. BUT, hey I did make this today and I should be studying! Next time...bigger pizza pan so I can put on more fruit!


Halfords said...

That looks so good. I love fruit pizza!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Jess! Looks good! I love to cook too, but sometimes I can't find what to cook. That is mostly the problem. I found a couple really good dinner meals that are easy, but they don't look very well. Oh, well, it's good! I look on the internet a lot!
Let me know if your hubby likes it!

Hodges Family said...

Jess I really like that you say your trying to cook more it can be hard to come up with things if you ever need Ideas on my blog click on hollys recipes she has a lot of good stuff and simple things that are quick and easy!