Friday, November 7, 2008

Just an update...

Spencer and I have been so busy these days! I have five weeks and 8 tests left til this semester is over!!! I am so burned out!!! I have been doing clinicals at LDS Hospital. It is a great learning experience, but looong days! My family enjoys all my funny stories about clinicals such as helping an elderly gentleman to the bathroom and having him decide to pee all over me, awwh, nursing! (Maybe that's why I don't like med surg nursing!)
I have had quite a few people encouraging me to go to medical school. Boy, would that be a journey! I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I would love to be a doctor, but I guess we will wait a couple years and see how nursing goes! Spencer is all for it, haha!
Last night my sister colored my hair all brown! It is going to take some getting used to, but I am always up for change! Spencer, the crazy boy that he is, decided to grab the left over color from my hair and put it on his goatee (sp?)! Now, really, does that shock any of ya?


Dani said...

I know how you feel. School is rough! Although none of my patients have ever peed on me; I think that tops the list! :)

Halfords said...

You would do well in med school. You're good at what you do.

Kimberly said...

Can you believe you're almost done with school?? That's awesome! I bet your hair looks good dark ... I just did mine too, must be the thing to do! I want to see pictures of Spencers goatee! What a funny guy!

Holly and Derek said...

I am glad to hear that you guys are doing well. If you need any information about med school I would love to talk to you about it. I had no idea how long of a road it is even to get to medical school, so the earlier you start the better.

Dani said...

I am in the dental hygiene program and Brandt is majoring in business management. We both will hopefully graduate in May. That's the plan anyways...