Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hoping to Adopt

Just take my hand...together we can do this!

It has been a hard couple of  years. Spencer and I always knew that we wanted a family. Children were quite often the topic of conversation. What would we name them? And yes, Spencer has always like the names I have suggested, score :). We spent countless hours babysitting nieces and nephews and loved every minute. We would always say we could not wait for the day when our little ones entered our home.

 It was one fall day when I was driving home from work when I received the dreaded phone call saying that having children of our own would not be an option for us. I remember the heartache that immediately came and the tears that streamed down my face. Where do we go from here?

Spencer and I turned to our Heavenly Father. We know it is His plan and we completely trust Him. We prayed, fasted, had a lot of faith and received support from family. We then felt enticed to begin the Adoption process. We began the adoption process in June 2011. The adoption process is not easy. There is a lot of paperwork and it can be emotionally draining, but we kept the faith and kept moving forward. We were approved for adoption on October 26, 2011. We felt a lot of weight lifted off our shoulders and felt complete comfort and peace.

With the comfort and peace, we know through adoption, we will have our eternal family.


Halfords said...

I'm excited for you guys! We love you!

Kimberly said...

so excited for you and spencer! hope it's okay to steal your adoption button and put it on my blog! sure do love you jess! ♥

Anonymous said...

I just excited for you! We pray that you get a baby very guys are amazing and will make amazing parents! Love you! Brooke and Eric