Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2011 in Review

I hate to say this, but MAN, I'm sure glad 2011 has come and gone. I keep telling myself, I just don't know how things can get any harder! Well, I've learned my lesson and I'm done saying that! Yes, each year since nursing school has been more challenging for us, but we manage to survive and even come out stronger...how does that happen? A lot of faith and prayer! My mom clearly told me during 2011 to quit being so strong and then trials wouldn't come our way...you know the saying...you are only given what you can handle?. Well, that was on my mind constantly in 2011, but He knows mine and Spencer's plan a lot better than we do. Here is our year in review (you don't want to miss this since I was MIA most of the year).

January: I became Director of Nursing for HRH, Spencer started college, and we became primary teachers (we love CTR 5)!

February: I got in a car wreck ( a car hit me from behind while at a stop light) and Paysley was our #1 concern...we had several vet appointments doing anything we could to prolong her little life.

March: Our sweet Paysley passed away. Kyndal Pays joined our family. Spencer and I celebrated our fifth anniversary!! Another car wreck ( a car hit me from behind while at a stop light).

April: Spencer's birthday and Chade's eye surgery.

May: We started Asylum (the level up from insanity-the workout program)! Yes, we are insane and belong in an asylum!! I get asked that all too often unless they really know me!! Spencer finished his first semester!

June: We began the Adoption process (there will be a post all about this coming soon), Spencer started school again, we planted our first flower bed, my cousin got married, we went to Clint Black concert in our very own city!!

July: Spent the 4th in Idaho with my mom, Spencer's family reunion, painted our fence because of HOA :)

August: Trip to Idaho for Spencer to build a fence and Spencer ended school and began again

September: Trip to Idaho for Spencer to do work for my mom, Utah State Fair, and we ran in Recovery Day with my hospital!!

October: My birthday, 10 years since Spencer and I became a couple (Awe), and approved for Adoption!!

November: Thanksgiving with my family in Idaho!

December: P90x2 arrived, Spencer finished fall semester, hunting with the family and Sash, Christmas, and working out with Chalene Johnson!!!

2011 was HARD! I am pretty sure I can say I experienced every emotion possible, but I am ready for 2012...I believe it is our year!!


a farmers wife and her real life said...

2012 is totally going to be your year! I am thrilled for you guys starting the adoption process. Let me know if I can do anything:)

Kimberly said...

LOVED seeing and reading a post from you!! Congrats on being the Nursing director, I'm sure it's a chaotic (and hopefully rewarding) job! Sorry about the car wrecks (darn Utah drivers anyways!) and EXCITING you're approved for adoption! Can't wait to see more posts from you ... here's to a fantastic 2012!! ♥