Friday, October 28, 2011

Kyndal Pays

First time meeting Kyndal

Bringing her home

First vet check up

Playing outside

First haircut...then had some water to drink :)

Heading to Idaho with the fam

Second haircut and Kynie looks like big sis, Pays :)

Chillin at a BBQ

After Paysley passed away, Spencer and I were devastated. It's crazy to think life could go on cuz it honestly felt like it didn't. My mom thought we needed to find us a female shih tzu to help ease the unbearable pain. Spencer and I thought she was crazy. We had Chade and Sash who we love dearly, but there was something missing AND getting another dog would never replace our sweet Paysley. One day my mom said something that really stuck and so I decided to look online at shih tzu ads. I came to one where one of the parents looked exactly and I mean exactly like Paysley. I showed Spencer and sent the ad to my mom. They both agreed. After some prayer, I decided to call and go visit these puppies. They had a few litters and my intent was to look at the youngest litter who had quite awhile before they were able to go to their new homes because I just didn't feel ready yet. I said a little prayer when we pulled up to the house. We went in and I immediately saw the dog that looked like Paysley and this dog immediately ran up to me and began loving on me and I kept looking at Spencer like this must be a sign!! Then the lady hands me a puppy from her litter that was ready for their new homes and says "This is Paysley!" WHAT, come again! I looked at Spencer like, DOES SHE KNOW OUR STORY?! But, she did not. The rest is history...and we named that sweet lil puppy Kyndal Pays!!!

I know someone was watching over us and knew what we needed. Kyndal is a lot like Paysley. She loves on us the way Paysley did. We could not have gotten a dog that acted any closer to Paysley than our little Kynie does.

Kyndal loves to give kisses. If she warms up to you, she will lick you all day long...I'm not kidding! She loves her big sister, Sash! Sash loves her too! Sash will lay down and let Kyn attack her all day long. It is the cutest thing. Every night Sash and Kyndal sit by our laundry room door waiting for their treats! Chade waits patiently as he follows me around. He knows he will get one...he doesn't have to look obsessive like the girls, lol :)

Aww, I love my dogs and did I mention I sure miss my Pays!!!

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