For Thanksgiving Spencer and I went to Idaho. We brought the Wii Fit along for the ride. It was a blast! We had so much fun playing it with his family. Here are some funny videos of our brother inlaw Mike, Spencer's dad Blaine, and Spencer attempting HuLa HoOp (keep in mind it was like 1 am!).
(Blaine - how I wish it wasn't so dark)
There are so many things I am thankful for at this time of year, but #1 being Spencer! He has been such a great support to me while I have been in school. He is always so willing to help take things off my plate! I love him so much and truly grateful for all that he does! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us! I am also thankful for our family and friends! We have such a great time with all of them and love them so much and appreciate all they do for us!!! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! CaNt WaIt FoR cHrIsTmAs!!!!
P.S. Sorry Mike, Blaine, and Spencer! It is just too funny not to post! I warned ya!!!
(Spencer :) )