The cute Christmas card Patti came up for us!

My house with the lights on and can you see the snowman and reindeer? Spencer made that with my niece Emma and nephews Gage and Chance!

My front porch

our beautiful Christmas tree! We had one we used in our duplex and apartment, but it was small and one night I woke up before work and saw that Spencer had bought this beautiful tree! I was soooo happy!

My kitchen table~can't really see the decor, but I love it! We made the little glass blocks with snow and then a snowman candle on top...love it!

Yes, Jonas brothers is on in the background. Come on, you know you watch it too? Okay, my niece and nephews were watching it...really!

See I told you they were watching it, haha!

The love of Spencer's life! Okay, so she loves me too! I was at work and she missed me, so went into the closet and layed on my sweater! woot, woot!
I got to watch Patti's kids last weekend and it was a lot of fun! We played the wii, made a snowman and reindeer in all that snow we received, had McDonalds, watched Up, and oh yeah, played the Wii!
Here are some pics I am throwing in of my house! I love it! I love decorating, so here are some of my Christmas Decor! Oh yeah, and a pic of Sash!