Where do I begin? I have not written for awhile because I have been so busy! This last week was no exception! I have been promoted as charge nurse and love it! I really enjoy conversing with the Drs. I even had one suggest that I go on and become one~we'll see. I have so many fun stories from work. It is a great place to be and I have made so many friends! I love the people I work with~I definitely am where I'm suppose to be~crazy how that works! I also love my patients~I have had quite a few pts wanting to talk to me about life and them wanting to end it. It makes me so sad, but I love talking to them and making them feel better. It has helped me have such an appreciation for my life and the decisions we have made. I even have funny pt's that think they can be inappropriate. I have had one tell me to leave my husband for him, and he would make the loudest noises as I would walk by and he would be checking out my hind end. Gross, I know. I feel like I am always telling my pt's that is inappropriate! I have also had one grab my waist, another tell me his fantasies about me and thinking I must have been a cheerleader with my personality, um no! Then last night a pt asked me out to dinner the day he leaves and the whole nursing station heard it. Awkward and once again I had to say No and that he is being inappropriate! My husband gets a kick out of my stories! I also almost had a nervous breakdown last night~ I felt so sick and almost called in sick. I had already worked about 50 hours this week, but I just couldn't call in sick. The nurse before me had totally messed up everything! My tech was so happy to see me when I walked in because that nurse was driving him crazy! She had messed up on meds, didn't sign out the narcotics, wrote down wrong orders on three different pt's med sheets, AAAH! And to top it off, pt's were mad at her and all wanted to talk to me about it. Who was I for hoping for an easy night? Oh well, I now have a couple days off (hoping I don't get called in like usual:) and they are well needed! I miss my husband so much, one good thing is when we're together we can't get enough of each other! I rather enjoy that part! I also got to go to the Utah State Fair and see my fam show horses and my mom came out to see our new house! I had so much fun and enjoyed showing it to her! My mom is one of my biggest inspirations and it feels so good to hear her say how proud she is~definitely makes it worth it! My birthday is in two weeks and I am having a party at my house!!! Yes, that's what I said~I need a life too, haha! Everyone's invited!